Harris County Precinct 2 Reimagining Spencer Highway Corridor Study - A Part of Revive2Thrive
What is this project?
The Spencer Highway Corridor Study seeks to enhance safety along 13.7 miles of vital transportation infrastructure spanning Deer Park, Houston, La Porte, Pasadena, and South Houston within Harris County Precinct 2. The improvement initiative aims to create an inclusive, resilient, and safe corridor for all users, including vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users.
Why is it happening?
The project will develop engineering solutions to address current traffic safety concerns with improvements to provide spaces for all road users to create a safer and more efficient corridor.
What's next?
The next steps include gathering public feedback, completing the design process, applying for funding opportunities, and preparing for construction to bring these improvements to Spencer Highway Corridor.
About Revive2Thrive
Revive2Thrive is Commissioner Garcia's community initiative focused on making Harris County Precinct 2 the best place to live, work, and play. The goal is to invest in improving infrastructure, create economic opportunities, and enhance residents' overall quality of life.
Harris County works best when ALL communities thrive.
About the Reimagine Corridor Studies
Reimagine Corridor Studies aim to revitalize Harris County Precinct 2's streets for safety and vibrancy. Through community engagement and partnerships, we prioritize safety, integrate community input, and align with Vision Zero's goal of achieving zero traffic-related fatalities and injuries by 2030.